Introduction, Equipment, Me-9503 statics board – PASCO ME-9502 Statics System User Manual

Page 5: Statics system

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Statics System





The study of mechanics often begins with Newton’s Laws of Motion. The first law describes the conditions for an
object to maintain its state of motion. If the net force on an object is zero, the acceleration of the object is zero.

The second law describes what happens if the net force on an object is not zero. The acceleration is directly pro-
portional to net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to mass, or

Much of what is studied in an introductory course deals with the ways that forces interact with physical bodies.
The PASCO Statics System is designed to help you investigate the nature of forces for the special case in which
there is no acceleration. In other words, the vector sum of all the forces acting on the body is zero.

One reason to study the case of no acceleration is because it is easier to measure non-accelerating systems than it
is to measure accelerating systems. A great deal can be learned about the vector nature of forces by studying the
many ways in which forces can be applied to an object without causing acceleration.The second reason is that in
our everyday experience, non-accelerated systems are the rule, not the exception.


The ME-9502 Statics System consists of the Statics Board, Spares Package, Components Package, and Mass and
Hanger Set.

ME-9503 Statics Board

The Statics Board is a ferrous metal plate approximately
45 by 45 centimeters (18 by 18 inches) with a writable
white board finish on both sides.)

The board has rubber bumpers on its base. White board
pens (or “dry erase” pens) can be used to write and draw
directly on the board. The pens are available from statio-
nery stores and the ink can be erased with a cloth or a
white board eraser.

The Mounted Scale Assembly, Large and Small Pulley
Assemblies, Balance Arm Assembly, Force Wheel Assem-
bly, Torque Wheel Assembly, Inclined Plane Assembly,
and Utility Mount Assembly all attach magnetically to the
board. Components can be stored on the rear side of the
board when not in use. Except for the Inclined Plane
Assembly, all the components that can mount on the board
have a rubber ring on the base that protects the board and
the component. The round magnetic base is 6.5 centime-
ters (cm) in diameter.



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Statics Board