Asymmetrical plate, About the manual – PASCO ME-9502 Statics System User Manual
Page 14

S t a t i c s S y s t e m
A b o u t t h e M a n u a l
Asymmetrical Plate
The Asymmetrical Plate is a five-sided polygon with a small hole at
each corner. The Utility Mount has a slender metal rod designed to sup-
port the Asymmetrical Plate so that the plate can swing on the rod until
it reaches equilibrium.
About the Manual
The ME-9502 Statics System provides an introduction to static
mechanics. The experiments first introduce force as a vector quantity
and then build on this concept so that students will understand the equi-
librium of a physical body under the application of a variety of forces
and torques. Experiments to demonstrate simple harmonic motion with
a pendulum and a spring/mass system are also included.
The experiments are presented in three groups: Basic Experiments,
Advanced Experiments, and Simple Machines. Each experiment is
Basic Experiments provide the essentials for a solid introduction to
static mechanics. The concepts of vector forces, torques, and center of
mass are explored.
Advanced Experiments allow the student to combine the principles already studied to understand such phenom-
ena as static equilibrium. Friction and simple harmonic motion are also investigated.
Simple Machines provide an opportunity for the student to investigate applications of the principles already stud-
ied and also to introduce important new concepts. Levers, inclined planes, and pulley systems are studied using the
principles of static equilibrium, work, and conservation of energy.
In addition to the equipment in the Statics System, a few common items such as pencils, rulers, protractors, paper,
a stop watch, and a mass balance will be needed for some experiments. Check the “Equipment Needed” section at
the beginning of each experiment.
NOTE: Vector quantities are designated with boldface font, such as F, W, or F
. When the same letters are used in
normal style font, they refer to the magnitude (size) of the vector quantity. Since the vector nature of torques is not
introduced in these experiments, boldface font is not used to designate torques.
Asymmetrical Plate
Suspend the Asymmetrical Plate