Smart touch basics – Controlled Products Systems Group 222X383 User Manual
Page 25

Installation and Maintenance Manual
D0119, Rev. F
Smart Touch Basics
Read this page if you are unfamiliar with using the Smart Touch Controller.
You must learn to navigate and change menu settings with the Smart Touch Controller before an installation
can be completed or any control settings or function changes can be made.
Until a new operator has been configured, the controls are not functional and the display is locked in
the menu mode until the User Class 1-4, and Left or Right hand use have been selected. See the next
page for instructions on how make these settings.
1. There are five buttons on the membrane switch pad that
provide total operator control. The Open, Close and Stop
buttons serve as a three-button control station, but in Menu
Mode, they become Previous, Next and Select buttons. The
Program Menu button is used to both enter and exit Menu
Mode. The Reset button clears all Errors and Faults and
returns the operator to its normal functioning state.
2. When in a Menu Mode, changes to be made to a Menu setting
are accomplished by pressing the Previous, Next and Select
buttons in the following sequence:
a. Press the Next button to move forward through the list
of available menu items, as shown on pages 22 and
23, or press the Previous button to move back an item.
Press the Select button to select a menu item to
change. The menu item will flash to indicate that its
setting is ready to be changed.
Press Next to move forward or Previous to go back through available settings.
When you have located the new setting that you want to use, press the Select button and the
program accepts the change and stops blinking.
The Program Menu button does not allow an Exit to Run while a selection is still blinking. Press
the Select button to confirm the new setting and stop the blinking. Then exit to Run Mode.
Pressing the Next or Previous buttons when the menu item is not blinking moves to the next or
previous menu item.
When done, press Program Menu to exit to Run Mode.
Once configured, the operator is in the Run Mode. To gain access to the User Menu or the Installer
Menu from the Run mode, follow these steps:
a. Press the Program Menu button and watch the LCD scroll the system data, or press the Program
Menu key a 2
time to skip the scroll. The scrolled data displays the information in the table on
page 22.
: The Program Menu button will not function unless the gate is at rest, open and close
inputs are not active, and the operator is not displaying a Fault, Alert or Error. Verify system
status by viewing lighted (active) inputs. Active inputs are lighted on this and all “New
Generation” (post September 2006) Smart Touch operators (other than DC operators without
AC power). Verify active inputs on “New Generation” DC operators (running without AC power)
and “Classic” pre-September 2006 operators, by pressing the tact button located in the lower,