Clear-Com Logic-Maestro User Manual
Page 94

Clear-Com Communication Systems
Eclipse Logic Maestro Instruction Manual
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2. Create an action to perform. Select the ‘Available Modules’ tab in
the object browser window and open the Scriptlibrary ControlActions
menu. Actions which use the objects previously created can be
dragged and dropped into the control macro. For example the
action to activate an LED can be created using a port object created
in step 1.
LEDDisplayAction MyLED =
will create an action ‘MyLED’ to activate the LED on key 1 on a
panel attached to port ‘MyPort’.
3. Create a control object which will be used to trigger the action set up
in step 2. For example a control action could be created using a
general purpose I/O port by selecting the ‘Configuration Entities’ tab
and opening the ‘GPSF’ item to display a list of GPSF items.
Double click on the required item to create the control macro in the
control macro editor window e.g.
ControlMacro MyControl = ControlMacro.GetControl(“MyGPSF”);
4. Trigger the action. To do this a control must be created which
connects an event on the system with the action that has been
created. For example, a control can be created for another port e.g.
so that an event on the GPSF ‘MyGPSF’ will trigger the LED on key
1 of the panel attached to ‘MyPort’.