Delete, Delete -6 – Clear-Com Logic-Maestro User Manual

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Clear-Com Communication Systems

Eclipse Logic Maestro Instruction Manual

1 - 6

Figure 1-6: License Key Request

Enter the license key obtained from the supplier or distributor and click
on the ‘OK’ button to continue and start the logic diagram editor. If a
valid license key is not entered the editor will exit immediately.

Note: When running under Windows Vista the user must have
administrator rights in order to enter the logic diagram editor
license key.


The ‘Delete’ button is provides the facility to delete selected control
sequences. Control sequences are selected for deletion by clicking
on the entry to highlight it and clicking on the delete button. Multiple
control sequences can be selected for deletion by pressing the ‘Shift’
key while selecting control sequences. A dialog is displayed to confirm
the action.

Figure 1-7: Control Sequence Delete Confirmation

Click on the ‘OK’ button to delete the control sequence.