Function buttons, Function buttons -5, New -5 – Clear-Com Logic-Maestro User Manual
Page 19: Figure 1-5 new control sequence dialog -5
Clear-Com Communication Systems
Eclipse Logic Maestro Instruction Manual
1 - 5
The buttons at the bottom of the logic design window allow control
sequences to be created, deleted, imported from files, exported to files
and cloned.
Clicking the ‘New’ button requests the initial information for a new
control sequence design, allowing the design type, design name,
project name, author and a description to be input.
Figure 1-5: New Control Sequence Dialog
The ‘Type’ is selected from a drop-down menu and may be either
‘Logic Diagram’ or ‘Control Macro’. Normally ‘Logic Diagram’ is
selected and the control sequence created using the interactive design
After entering the required information click on the ‘OK’ button to enter
the Logic Maestro design environment.
The Eclipse Logic Maestro/Control Macro Editor facility is a licensable
option and a license key is required to use Logic Maestro to create
new control sequences. When the logic diagram editor is first started it
will request a license key if one has not already been input.