Atec Agilent-E8364C User Manual

Page 58

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IF Access (Option H11)

Provides hardware to enable antenna, point-in-pulse,
and pulse-profile measurements, as well as broadband
millimeter-wave measurements to 110 GHz, and banded
millimeter-wave measurements to 325 GHz. For each of
the microwave PNA’s measurement receivers, IF gates
(enabled with pulsed-RF measurement capability
Option H08) and external IF inputs are added. In
addition, access to the PNA’s internal RF and LO sources
is provided for remote-mixing applications. For basic
antenna measurements, only Option H11 is necessary.
Pulsed-antenna applications also require the pulsed-
measurement capability (Option H08). Millimeter-wave
measurements also require an N5260A millimeter-wave
test set controller.

Pulsed-RF measurement capability (Option H08)

Provides software to set up and control pulsed-RF
measurements with point-in-pulse and pulse-profile
capability. The software sets the coefficients of the
PNA’s digital-IF filter to null out unwanted spectral
components, enables the IF gates provided with IF access
(Option H11), and controls the Agilent 81110A family of
pulse generators. The software can be run on the PNA or
an external computer, and a “.dll” file
containing the IF-filter algorithm is included for
automated pulsed-RF testing.

4-port measurement application (Option 550)

Enables full 4-port error correction and differential
measurements on a 2-port network analyzer. External
test set must be connected. User installable.

N-port measurement application (Option 551)

Enables full N-port error correction and differential
measurements on a 2-port network analyzer. External
test set must be connected. User installable.

Commercial calibration certificate with test data (Option UK6)

Complete set of measurements which tests unit to
manufacturer’s published specifications. Includes
calibration label, calibration certificate, and data report.
Conforms to ISO 9001.

ISO 17025 compliant calibration (Option 1A7)

Complete set of measurements which tests unit to
manufacturer’s published specifications. Includes
calibration label, ISO 17025 calibration certificate, and
data report, measurement uncertainties and guardbands
on all customer specifications. Conforms to ISO 17025 and
ISO 9001.

ANSI Z540 compliant calibration (Option A6J)

Complete set of measurements which tests unit to
manufacturer’s published specifications. Includes
pre and post-adjustment data with measurement
uncertainty information compliant to the ANSI/NCSL
Z540 standard.