Ducking configuration – Extron Electronics DMP 64 User Guide User Manual
Page 58

Ducking Configuration
Ducking is configured in a dialog box that opens when an active ducking processor block is
double-clicked (see figure 37 on the previous page).
Current source indicator
Shows the input selected as the ducking
source. Ducker settings affect the input
channel shown here. When a ducker
dialog is opened for a channel, the current
source defaults to that channel. The
current source can also be selected by the
priority readout/source selector (see below).
Enable mic/line source checkbox
When checked, ducking is enabled for the
current source and the ducker processor
block is lit. When unchecked, ducking is
disabled for the current source. The ducker
processor block is unlit.
Duck Targets:
Shows all potential input targets. Only inputs
that are checked are ducked. The current
source is not available as a target (a source
cannot duck itself). If the current source
is designated as a target of another input
channel, that input channel is not available (a
target cannot be the source).
Used to configure the parameter settings for the ducker source. When a ducker block is
copied, these settings are transferred.
Threshold — Sets the input signal level, in dB, the ducking source must exceed before
ducking begins. If ducking does not occur quickly enough to avoid loss of speech or program
material from the ducking source, decrease this setting. If ducking occurs too soon, allowing
background noise to trigger ducking, increase the setting.
The range is -60 to 0 dB in 1 dB increments.
Default is -30 dB.
Attack Time — Adjusts the time to duck the targets once the threshold is exceeded.
The range is 0 to 3000 milliseconds in 1 millisecond increments. Default is 1 millisecond.
Hold Time — Determines the time, in milliseconds, after a ducking source signal drops below
the threshold before ducking ceases.
The range is 0 to 10000 milliseconds in 1 millisecond increments.
Default is 1000 milliseconds (1 second).
Release — Determines how long, in milliseconds, after the ducking source level is below the
threshold and the hold time is met, the ducking targets take to restore signal levels.
The range is 10 to 10000 milliseconds in 1 millisecond increments.
Default is 1000 milliseconds (1 second).
DMP 64 • Software Control