Table 41: flash security – Rainbow Electronics 71M6542G User Manual
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The page erase sequence is:
• Write the page address to FLSH_PGADR[5:0] (SFR 0xB7[7:2]).
• Write the pattern 0x55 to the FLSH_ERASE register (SFR 0x94).
Program Security
When enabled, the security feature limits the ICE to global flash erase operations only. All other ICE
operations are blocked. This guarantees the security of the user’s MPU and CE program code. Security
is enabled by MPU code that is executed in a 64 CKMPU cycle pre-boot interval before the primary boot
sequence begins. Once security is enabled, the only way to disable it is to perform a global erase of the
flash, followed by a chip reset.
The first 32 cycles of the MPU boot code are called the pre-boot phase because during this phase the
ICE is inhibited. A read-only status bit, PREBOOT (SFR 0xB2[7]), identifies these cycles to the MPU.
Upon completion of pre-boot, the ICE can be enabled and is permitted to take control of the MPU.
The security enable bit, SECURE (SFR 0xB2[6]), is reset whenever the chip is reset. Hardware associated
with the bit permits only ones to be written to it. Thus, pre-boot code may set SECURE to enable the security
feature but may not reset it. Once SECURE is set, the pre-boot code is protected and no external read of
program code is possible.
Specifically, when the SECURE bit is set, the following applies:
• The ICE is limited to bulk flash erase only.
• Page zero of flash memory, the preferred location for the user’s pre-boot code, may not be
page-erased by either MPU or ICE. Page zero may only be erased with global flash erase.
• Write operations to page zero, whether by MPU or ICE are inhibited.
The 71M6541D/F and 71M6542F also include hardware to protect against unintentional Flash write and
erase. To enable flash write and erase operations, a 4-bit hardware key that must be written to the
FLSH_UNLOCK[3:0] field. The key is the binary number ‘0010’. If FLSH_UNLOCK[3:0] is not ‘0010’, the
Flash erase and write operation is inhibited by hardware. Proper operation of this security key requires
that there be no firmware function that writes ‘0010’ to FLSH_UNLOCK[3:0]. The key should be written by
the external SPI master, in the case of SPI flash programming (SFM mode), or through the ICE interface
in the case of ICE flash programming. When a boot loader is used, the key should be sent to the boot
load code which then writes it to FLSH_UNLOCK[3:0]. FLSH_UNLOCK[3:0] is not automatically reset. It
should be cleared when the SPI or ICE has finished changing the Flash.
RAM registers used for flash security.
Table 40: Flash Security
R/W Must be a 2 to enable any flash modification.
See the description of Flash security for
more details.
SFR B2[6]
R/W Inhibits erasure of page 0 and flash addresses
above the beginning of CE code as defined by
CE_LCTN[5:0] (I/O RAM 0x2109[5:0]). Also
inhibits the read of flash via the ICE and SPI
SPI Flash Mode
In normal operation, the SPI slave interface cannot read or write the flash memory. However, the
71M6541D/F and 71M6542F contain a Special Flash Mode (SFM) that facilitates initial (production)
programming of the flash memory. When the 71M654x is in SFM mode, the SPI interface can erase, read,
and write the flash. Other memory elements such as XRAM and I/O RAM are not accessible to the
SPI in this mode. In order to protect the flash contents, several operations are required before the SFM
mode is successfully invoked.
Details on the SFM are in