Technical data – M&C TechGroup CSS Series Operator's manual User Manual
Page 9

Gas sampling and gas conditioning technology
Gas flow rate**
CSS(/C) : max. 140l/h
CSS-2 : max. 2 x 140l/h
CSS-3(/C) : max. 350l/h
Flow meter
CSS(/C), CSS-2: 2 x with needle valve, adjustable to 70l/h,
flow meter FM1 with flow alarm sensor
CSS-3(/C) : 2 x with needle valve, adjustable to 250l/h,
flow meter FM1 with flow alarm sensor
Gas pressure
0,7bar to 1,4bar abs.
Sample inlet temperature**
max. 150°C
Sample inlet dew point**
max. 80°C
Sample outlet dew point
range of adjustment: +2 °C ..... +15 °C, factory setting: +5 °C
Dew point stability
at constant conditions < ± 0,1 °C
Gas filter F-0,1GF50
Glass fiber, retention rate 99,99% for particles > 0,1µm
Ambient temperature**
+5°C to +45°C
Storage temperature
-25°C to +65°C
Relative humidity
< 80%
19"-rack housing mounting 6 U, depth 350mm
Degree of protection
IP20, DIN40050
CSS(/C) : approx. 15kg
CSS-2, CSS-3(/C): approx. 16,5kg
G 1/4 i* - DIN ISO 228/1
Power supply
230V 50/60Hz or 115V 60Hz, CSS : 150VA
CSS-2/3: 250VA
Electrical connection
Power terminals max. 4 mm
(4 x PG 13,5)
Alarm-/Control signal 15 pin Sub-D-Connector
Warm up time
approx. 10 min.
Material of sample contacting
PVDF, glass, Viton
, Novoprene
Status signal for
Measure/Check, cooler temperature, liquid alarm, flow alarm:
potential free change over contact, max. 24V/1A
Test gas inlet - 2 x
solenoid valve actuated by manual or external switch
Electronic PID temperature con-
troller for heated sample lines
front panel mounting
control range : 0°C to 200°C
sensor inlet : PT 100 and Fe-CuNi
controlling outlet : 10A solid state relay
status alarm : integrated into the status signal
parameter : free adjustable
Electrical equipment standard
EN 60204-1 (DIN VDE 0113 Teil 1/02.86)
* other connections on request
** Maximum values in technical datas must be rated in consideration of total cooling capacity at 25 °C ambient temperature and an outlet dew
point of 5 °C.
standard for max. 20m heated sample line at 110W/m