Check/calibration – M&C TechGroup CSS Series Operator's manual User Manual
Page 30

Gas sampling and gas conditioning technology
N O T E !
Adjust the flow meter FM1 to a flow rate above the demanded alarm value.
Because of breaking the outlet dew point (5°C) the total flow rate should not
pass the specified maximum value (see 2.).
The minimum flow rate is determined by the sample gas pump. This re-
quires the following minimum values:
approx. 60l/h;
N9 KPE: approx. 200l/h;
If the flow rate remains under the minimum value the pump membrane can
be premature destroyed by over pressure !
turn switch to ‘Check’ (LED yellow); is available as contact outlet;
turn switch to ‘Test gas’ (LED yellow);
turn switch to ‘Zero gas’ (LED yellow);
After this calibration or checking the measuring range with zero gas can happen.
turn switch to ‘Span gas’ (LED yellow);
Now calibration or checking the measuring range with span gas can be started.
For returning to the measuring mode:
turn switch to ‘Sample gas’ (LED yellow);
If the analyser has reached the measuring range:
turn switch to ‘Measure’ (LED yellow).