Vt100 management interface, Via the serial port, Via an ip network connection – 3Com TR User Manual

Page 38: Vt100 management interface 3-2, Via the serial port 3-2, Via an ip network connection 3-2

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3: S







Table 3-1 Switch 2000 TR Management Options

VT100 Management Interface

The menu-driven interface for the Switch 2000 TR is
known as the VT100 interface or Local Management
interface. Using a simple series of menus, the VT100
interface provides access to switch functions, includ-
ing port, stack, unit, bridge, switch, and workgroup
settings and statistics; communication parameters,
and security levels for individual users. Refer to “The
VT100 Console” for more information.

You establish VT100 management communications
with the Switch 2000 TR via the serial port or an IP
Network connection as explained next.

Via the Serial Port

Access the management interface via a VT100 termi-
nal or using VT100 terminal emulation software. You
can connect directly to the Switch 2000 TR using the

serial port or via a modem connection. This method is
especially useful for initial setup and configuration or
if the device is not reachable via network manage-
ment applications.

This method allows you to manage the Switch 2000
TR when:

You configure and initialize the system.

The LAN is unable to provide reliable service.

The network manager does not have direct LAN

The network manager software does not support

When a connection has been established, the main
Switch 2000 TR banner appears and you can log on.

Via an IP Network Connection

Access the management interface via a Telnet utility
over a network running TCP/IP. The console interface
is the same as that of the interface for the serial port.
The Telnet application requires a VT100 terminal emu-
lation application interface.

Before you can start a Telnet session, you must set up
the IP parameters. To open a Telnet session, you must
specify the IP address of the device you want to man-
age. Up to three Telnet sessions can exist simulta-

When a connection has been established, the main
Switch 2000 TR banner appears and you can log on.

Access mechanism

Allows you to. . .

Using . . .

Serial Port

Establish an
out-of-band connec-
tion to the VT100 con-

VT100 Console


Establish in-band
connection to the
VT100 console

Telnet on TCP/IP
protocol stack


Manage devices using
SNMP network man-
agement application

protocol stack


Set basic parameter,
view port status, and
set Unit ID

Front panel