Status messages, Status messages a-4, Status messages" f – 3Com TR User Manual
Page 108
A: S
Status Messages
The Software Upgrade utility reports the status of
the last download attempt. It reports error messages
if the download was unsuccessful.
The status messages are described below:
Messages 1 through 7 are standard TFTP errors as
detailed in IFC 783. These errors generally indicate that
you do not have access privileges to access the soft-
ware image. Check with your system administrator.
1—File not found. Check that you have entered the
correct file name.
2—Access Violation.
4—Illegal Operation.
5—Unknown transfer identifier.
7—No such user.
8—No response from the load server. Check that
you have entered the correct address for the
server where the software image file is stored
and that server is switched on.
Messages 9 through 12 indicate that the file is cor-
rupted. It may have been corrupted during transmis-
sion. Attempt the download again.
9—No resources.
10—Record length mismatch.
11—Invalid record type.
12—Checksum error.
Message 13 and 14 indicate that you are trying to
load the wrong type of software image file.
13—File is for the wrong device type.
14—File is for the wrong hardware version.
Messages 15 through 17 indicate that the file is cor-
rupted. It may have been corrupted during transmis-
sion. Attempt the download again.
15—File header record is missing from file.
16—Byte count error.
17—Load address in file was outside memory.
Messages 18 and 19 indicate a hardware failure on
the Switch 2000 TR. Consult your supplier for fur-
ther advice.
18—Failed to erase Flash EPROM.
19—Flash EPROM programming failed.
Messages 20 through 22 show that system load is
underway or has successfully completed.
20—System load pending.
21—System load active.
22—System load successful.