Yamaha EX5R User Manual

Page 298

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Handling the Floppy Disk Drive(FDD)
and Floppy Disk ........................................................ 259

Harmonic .................................................................. 168

Headphones ................................................................ 18

High Dump ................................................................ 129

High Dump Kf (High Dump KeyFollow) .................... 129

High Freq (High Frequency) ........................................ 86

High/Low Freq Vel (High/Low Frequency Velocity) .... 86

High/Low Gain ............................................................ 86

High/Low Gain Vel (High/Low Gain Velocity) .............. 87

High1/2 Freq (High 1/2 Frequency) ............................ 87

High1/2 Freq Vel (High1/2 Frequency Velocity) .......... 87

High1/2 Gain .............................................................. 88

High1/2 Gain Vel (High1/2 Gain Velocity) .................... 88

Hold Level ............................................................ 85, 96

Hold Time .............................................................. 85, 96

Hold Time Vel (Hold Time Velocity) ...................... 84, 95

How to Enter Song Record mode .............................. 193

How to Enter the Arpeggio Record Mode .................. 245

How to Enter the Pattern Record Mode .................... 223

How to Enter the Sample Record Mode .................... 176

How to Install the ASIB1
(SCSI Interface Board) in the EX5R .......................... 288

How to Install the ASIB1 in the EX5/7 ...................... 282

How to Install the EXDGO1
(Digital Output Board) in the EX5R .......................... 287

How to Install the EXDGO1 in the EX5/7 .................. 282

How to Install the EXFLM1/
DRAM SIMM in the EX5R ........................................ 290

How to Install the EXFLM1/
DRAM SIMM in the EX5/7 ........................................ 284

How to Install the EXIDO1 in the EX5R .................... 286

How to Install the EXIDO1 in the EX5/7 .................... 280

How to Install the Optional Board/ Memory (EX5R) .. 285

How to Install the Optional Board/ Memory (EX5/7) 279

How to Remove the EX5R Top Cover ........................ 285

How to Remove the Memory Cover
(EXFLM1, DRAM SIMM) .......................................... 280

How to Remove the Optional Board Cover
(EXIDO1, EXDGO1, ASIB1) ........................................ 279

How to Replace the EX5R Top Cover ........................ 285

HPF (High Pass Filter) .. 89, 93, 125, 128, 129, 137, 141

HPF Freq (High Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency) .......... 118

(High Pass Filter KeyFollow) ............ 126, 128, 137, 141


Individual Element Structure ...................................... 40

Init Level (Initial Level) ................................................ 99

Init Voice(Initialize Voice) .......................................... 149

Init Perform (Initialize Performance) ........................ 173

Initial Level ................................................................ 109

InitVal KN1~6 (Initial Values KN1~6) ........................ 171

InitVal MW1/MW2/AT/FC/BC/RB (Initial Values) ........ 170

InitVal PB (Initial Value Pitch Bend) .......................... 170

Input Gain .................................................................... 86

Input Level ................................................................ 140

Input Level Bar .......................................................... 176

Inputting Notes .......................................................... 200

Inputting Rests .......................................................... 201

Inputting Staccato and Slurs .................................... 201

Inputting Ties ............................................................ 201

INS1 (Insertion 1) .................................................... 106

INS2 (Insertion 2) .................................................... 106

InsEF Connect (Insertion Effects Connect) ................ 105

InsEF Elem Sw
(Insertion Effect Element Switch) ...................... 105, 146

InsEF Sw (Insertion Effect Switch) ............................ 165

InsEF1 (Insertion Effect 1) ........................................ 106

InsEF2 (Insertion Effect 2) ........................................ 106

Inserting Control Data .............................................. 205

Inserting Events ........................................ 204, 226, 248

Inserting Tempo Data ................................................ 206

Inserting/Ejecting Floppy Disks ................................ 259

Insertion Effects .......................................................... 66

Installation ................ 280, 282, 284, 286, 287, 288, 289

Instrument Amplifier or Stereo Sound System .......... 18


Cho .................................................................. 148


Rev .................................................................. 148

Introductory Section ...................................................... 8

InvertLPF (Inverted Low Pass Filter) .......................... 89


JOB1 ........................................................ 207, 228, 250

JOB2 ........................................................ 209, 231, 252

JOB3 ........................................................ 212, 234, 255


K.Flw Coarse (KeyFollow Coarse) .............................. 138

K.Flw Fine (KeyFollow Fine) ...................................... 138

Kbd/TG Mode
(Keyboard/Tone Generator Mode) .................... 160, 271

Key ............................................................................ 240

Key Assign .................................................. 79, 146, 165

Key Mapping Procedure .............................................. 72

Keyboard Illustration ................................................ 200

Keyboard Transpose .................................................. 270

KeyFollow ............................ 83, 128, 130, 132, 134, 135

KeyOn Delay ................................................ 81, 108, 144

Knob .......................................................................... 171

Knob To MIDI ............................................................ 171

Knob To TG (Knob To Tone Generator) .................... 171


L (Loop) ................................................................ 85, 96

L/H Shelf (Low/High Shelving Filter) .......................... 86

Layer ........................................................................ 152

Layers .......................................................................... 49

Layer Sw (Layer Switch) .......................................... 166

Layered AWM Voices .................................................. 30

LCD Messages .......................................................... 294

Length .............................................................. 117, 239

Length (Loop Length) .............................................. 221

Level .............................................................. 81, 96, 145

Level K.Flw BP (Level Key Follow Break Point) ........ 110

Level K.Follow (Level KeyFollow) .............................. 110

Level KeyFollow .......................................................... 97

Level Vel (Level Velocity) .................................... 97, 145

LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) ........ 100, 111, 121, 147

LFO Depth
(Low Frequency Oscillator Depth) ............ 131, 133, 134

LFO Mode (Low Frequency Oscillator Mode) ............ 130

LFO Phase (Low Frequency Oscillator Phase) .......... 131

LFO Speed
(Low Frequency Oscillator Speed) ............ 131, 133, 134

LFO Wave (Low Frequency Oscillator Wave) ............ 131

LFO1 (Low Frequency Oscillator1) ............................ 100

LFO1 AMD (LFO1 Amplitude Modulation) ................ 123

LFO1 Delay ................................................................ 123

LFO1 FMD (LFO1Frequency Modulation) .................. 123

LFO1 Speed .............................................................. 123

LFO1 Sync ................................................................ 123

LFO1 Wave (Low Frequency Oscillator1 Wave) ........ 121

LFO2 (Low Frequency Oscillator 2) .......................... 102

LFO2 Speed .............................................................. 123

LFO2 Wave (Low Frequency Oscillator 2 Wave) ........ 123

LOAD (File Load) ...................................................... 265

Load and Play the Demo Songs .................................. 25

LOC1/LOC2 (Location 1/2) ........................................ 186

Local (MIDI Control Out) .......................................... 275

Location (Measure, Beat, Clock) .............................. 198

LOOP ................................................................ 181, 186

Loop End .................................................................. 181

Loop Length .............................................................. 180

Loop Length Offset .................................................... 144

Loop Start/End Point ................................................ 186

Loop Top .................................................................. 180

LoopTune .................................................................. 179

Low Freq (Low Frequency) .......................................... 86

Low1/2 Freq (Low 1/2 Frequency) .............................. 87

Low1/2 Freq Vel (Low1/2 Frequency Velocity) ............ 87

Low1/2 Gain ................................................................ 87

Low1/2 Gain Vel (Low1/2 Gain Velocity) .................... 87

LPF (Low Pass Filter) ............................ 88, 92, 135, 137

LPF K.Flw (Low Pass Filter KeyFollow) ............ 136, 137

LpLength (Loop Length) .......................................... 152

Lvl (Level) ................................................................ 153

LYR (Layer) .............................................................. 165


M.FreqCoarse (Main Frequency Coarse) .................. 139

M.FreqFine (Main Frequency Fine) ............................ 139

M.Mod Depth (Main Modulation Depth) .................... 139

M.Mod EG
(Main Modulation Envelop Generator Depth) ............ 139

M.Mod EG Vel
(Main Modulation Envelop Generator Velocity) ........ 139

Master Note Shift ...................................................... 270

Master Tune .............................................................. 270

Master Volume .......................................................... 270

MaxLng (Maximum Length) ...................................... 220

MD BankLSB (MIDI Bank Select LSB) ...................... 170

MD BankMSB (MIDI Bank Select MSB) .................... 170

Meas (Measure) ........................ 186, 220, 224, 239, 246

Meas(Measure) ........................................................ 194

Measure 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 215, 216, 217, 218,

230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 252,
253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258

Measure Number ...................................................... 221

Measure/ARP (Arpeggio Type Number/Name) .......... 238

Measure/PTN (Pattern Name) .................................. 219

Measure/SONG (Song Name) .................................... 185

Memory Protect ........................................................ 276

Metronome (Click) Beat .................................... 220, 239

MIX .................................... 81, 117, 119, 145, 153, 164

Mic/Line Level .......................................................... 176

Micro Tuning .............................................................. 84

MIDI (MIDI Setup) .................................................... 274

MIDI Ch (MIDI Channel) ............................................ 165

MIDI Connections ........................................................ 22

MIDI Ctrl In (MIDI Control In) .................................. 274

MIDI Ctrl Out (MIDI Control Out) .............................. 274

MIDI Echo Back ........................................................ 274

MIDI Pan/Vol (MIDI Pan/Volume) ............................ 165

MIDI PC (MIDI Program Change) ............................ 170

MIDI to TG (MIDI to Tone Generator) ........................ 166

MIDI Trans Ch (MIDI Transmit Channel) .................. 271


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