Figure 6.8 sample s-register help screen – USRobotics V.34 User Manual
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6-10 Queries and Help Screens
Dialing (D$)
At ATD$, the Courier displays this Dial command summary:
HELP, Dial Commands (CTRL-S to Stop, CTRL-C to Cancel)
0-9 Digits to Dial
Auxiliary Tone Dial Digit
Auxiliary Tone Dial Digit
Tone Dialing
Pulse Dialing
Call an Originate Only Modem
Pause (Wait for S8 Time)
Remain in Command Mode After Dialing
Used to Dial Alpha Phone #'s
W Wait for 2nd Dial Tone (X3-X7)
@ Wait for an Answer (X3-X7)
Flash Switch Hook
Figure 6.7
Sample Dial Command HELP Screen
S-Register Functions (S$)
At ATS$, the Courier displays a screen that shows a partial
summary of the S-Register functions. More screens, activated
by pressing any key, show the remaining registers. The first
screen is as follows.
HELP, S Register Functions (CTRL-S to Stop, CTRL-C to Cancel)
S0 Ring to Answer On
S33 Reserved
S1 Counts # of Rings
S34 Bit Mapped
S2 Escape Code Char
1 = Disable V32bis
S3 Carriage Return Char
2 = Disable Enhanced V32 mode
S4 Line Feed Char
4 = Disable Quick V32 retrain
S5 Backspace Char
8 = Enable V23 Fallback
S6 Wait Time/Dial Tone (sec)
16 = Change MR to DSR
S7 Wait Time/Carrier (sec)
32 = Enable MI/MIC
S8 Comma Time (sec)
64 = Disable RA Busy Msg
S9 Carrier Detect Time (1/10sec)
128 = Disable Terbo
S10 Carrier Loss Time (1/10sec)
S35 Reserved
S11 Dial Tone Spacing (msec)
S36 Reserved
S12 Escape Code Time (1/50sec)
S37 Reserved
S13 Bit Mapped
S38 Disconnect Wait Time (sec)
1 = Reset On DTR Loss
S39 Reserved
2 = Do Originate in Auto Answer S40 Reserved
4 = No Pause Before Result Codes S41# of Allowed Login Attempts
8 = Do DS0 On DTR S42 Remote Escape Code Char
16 = Do DS0 On Reset S43 Remote Escape Code Time (1/50sec)
Strike a key when ready . . .
Figure 6.8
Sample S-Register HELP Screen