USRobotics V.34 User Manual
Page 123

Alphabetical Command Summary C-1
Additional command summaries are in Chapter 4, on the
bottom panel of the modem, and in the Quick-Reference Card.
Follow these guidelines:
1. Your software must be loaded and if you are using a
computer, it must be in Terminal mode.
Some communications programs put the computer in
terminal mode automatically when they are loaded.
Others require you to display a communications
terminal screen, press a Function key, or perform some
other operation. Refer to your communications
software documentation for instructions.
In Terminal mode the computer acts as if it were a stan-
dard terminal such as a teletypewriter, rather than a
data processor. Keyboard entries go directly to the
modem, whether the entry is a modem command or
data to be transmitted over the phone lines. Received
data is output directly to the screen.
2. Type commands in either upper or lower case, not a
combination (AT or at—
not At).
3. All commands except A/, A> and +++ are preceded by
the AT (
attention) prefix and are executed with the
Enter/Carriage Return key (
4. Command length = 60 characters maximum. The
modem doesn't count the AT prefix, Carriage Return
character, or spaces. It counts (but doesn't act on)
punctuation such as hyphens and parentheses.
5. A missing numeric parameter is assumed to be zero, as
in the command to hang up: ATH
equivalent of ATH0