USRobotics V.34 User Manual

Page 215

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J-6 Glossary

Dedicated Line

A user-installed telephone line used to connect a specified num-
ber of computers or terminals within a limited area, for
example, one building. The line is a cable rather than a public-
access telephone line. The communications channel may also be
referred to as nonswitched because calls do not go through
telephone company switching equipment.


Any setting assumed, at startup or reset, by the computer's soft-
ware and attached devices, and operational until changed by
the user.

Digital Loopback

A test that checks the modem's RS-232 interface and the cable
that connects the terminal or computer and the modem. The
modem receives data (in the form of digital signals) from the
computer or terminal, and immediately returns the data to the
screen for verification.

Digital Signals

Discrete, uniform signals. In this manual, the term refers to the

binary digits 0 and 1.


Indicates a communications channel capable of carrying signals
in both directions. See Half Duplex, Full Duplex.


Electronic Industries Association, which defines electronic stan-
dards in the U.S.


A compensation circuit designed into modems to counteract
certain distortions introduced by the telephone channel. Two
types are used: fixed (compromise) equalizers and those that
adapt to channel conditions. U.S. Robotics high speed modems
use adaptive equalization.