Figure 68, Console/comm port configuration screen, Table 33 – Nortel Networks 1000ASE-XD User Manual

Page 148: Console/comm port configuration screen fields

background image


Chapter 3 Using the console interface


Figure 68 Console/Comm Port Configuration screen

Table 33

describes the Console/Comm Port Configuration screen fields.

Table 33 Console/Comm Port Configuration screen fields



Comm Port Data Bits

A read-only field that indicates the current console/comm port data bit setting.

Comm Port Parity

A read-only field that indicates the current console/comm port parity setting.

Comm Port Stop Bits

A read-only field that indicates the current console/comm port stop bit setting.

Console Port Speed

Allows you to set the console/comm port baud rate to match the baud rate of the
console terminal.

Default Value:

9600 Baud


2400 Baud, 4800 Baud, 9600 Baud, 19200 Baud, 38400 Baud

Caution: If you choose a baud rate that does not match your console
terminal baud rate, you will lose communication with the configuration
interface when you press [Enter]. If communication is lost, set your
console terminal to match the new service port setting.