Paradyne ACCULINK 317x E1 User Manual

Page 108

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Configuration Options



December 1996

Table C-10

(1 of 2)

SNMP Trap Configuration Options

Num Trap Mgrs: 1
Next 1 2 3 4 5 6 Prev

Number of Trap Managers. Specifies the number of SNMP trap managers that are to receive traps for this unit.

NOTE: You must configure an IP address for each trap manager that is to receive trap messages.


n IP Adr: Clear

Next Edit Clear Prev


n IP Address. Specifies the IP address for each trap manager. This configuration option is repeated for all trap

managers supported by the unit.

Edit – Allows you to edit or display the IP address for Trap Manager


Clear – Allows you to clear the IP address for Trap Manager



n Dst: None

Next None Com Aux FDL EDL1 EDL2 EDL3 EDL4 Prev

Trap Manager

n Destination. Specifies the network destination for Trap Manager n. This configuration option is displayed

for the number of trap managers (

n) specified by the Number of Trap Managers configuration option.

None – No Trap Manage

n network destination. Traps are discarded.

Com – The Trap Manager

n network destination is the communication port. This selection only appears if the Com Use

configuration option is set to SNMP or Daisy.

Aux – The Trap Manager

n network destination is the auxiliary port. This selection only appears if the Aux Use

configuration option is set to SNMP or Daisy.

FDL – The Trap Manager

n network destination is the FDL management link. This selection only appears if the FDL

management link is enabled for SNMP.


n – The Trap Manager n network destination is the EDLn port (where n is 1– 4). This selection only appears if the

synchronous data port’s EDL management link is enabled for SNMP.

NOTE: If the chosen destination link is disabled or down, the traps are discarded. Change the trap destination if the link

ceases to be operational.

Gen Trap: Both
Next Disab Warm Auth Both Prev

General Trap Types. Specifies the general trap types to enable. For more information, refer to the

SNMP Traps section in

Chapter 4,


Disab – Disables the sending of trap messages for warmStart and authenticationFailure events.

Warm – Sends trap messages for warmStart events to the currently configured trap manager(s).

Auth – Sends trap messages for authenticationFailure events to the currently configured trap manager(s).

Both – Sends trap messages for warmStart and authenticationFailure events to the currently configured trap manager(s).

NOTE: This configuration option is not available and does not appear if the SNMP Trap configuration option (in the

Alarm Configuration Options section) is disabled.