Palm TX User Manual

Page 289

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T|X Handheld



Making Wi-Fi


Wireless Connections

It is possible to have both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi turned on at the same time. Even if both are turned
on, you can only access the Internet using one wireless technology at a time. For example, if you
are connected to the Internet using Wi-Fi, and then you connect to the Internet using Bluetooth,
the Wi-Fi connection is automatically disconnected before the Bluetooth connection is made. If
you encounter interference, it is recommended that you turn one off while using the other.



Example: You are at an Internet cafe and want to
browse the web. Use your handheld's Wi-Fi
technology to wirelessly access the Internet by
connecting to the hotspot at the cafe.

Example: You are out making sales calls and arrive early
for an appointment. Use your handheld’s Bluetooth
technology to connect to your mobile phone and check
your email from the car in the parking lot before you go
into the appointment.