Page 42

Software Download Configuration the IBP Module
Intelligent Blade Panel Module
file name file type startup size (byte)
-------------------------------- -------------- ------- -----------
PRIMERGY Boot-Rom image Y 118206
default.cfg Config File Y 17336
PRIMERGY Operation Code Y 40666365
5. Enter (vty-0) # copy tftp://{tftp address}/{file name} image {file name} command to
copy a new system image to the device. The following message is displayed:
Mode........................................... TFTP
Set TFTP Server IP............................. {tftp address}
TFTP Path...................................... ./
TFTP Filename.................................. {file name}
Data Type...................................... Code
Are you sure you want to start? (y/n)
6. Press Y. When the new image is downloaded, it is saved in the area allocated for the other
copy of system image. The following is an example of the information that appears:
TFTP code transfer starting
Verifying CRC of file in Flash File System
TFTP receive complete... storing in Flash File System...
File transfer operation completed successfully.
7. Select the image for the next boot by entering the boot-system command. After this
command. Enter (vty-0) # whichboot command to verify that the copy indicated as a
parameter in the boot-system command is selected for the next boot. The following is an
example of the information that appears:
(vty-0) #boot-system opcode PRIMERGY
Start Up Success!
(vty-0) #
(vty-0) #whichboot
file name file type startup size (byte)
-------------------------------- -------------- ------- -----------
PRIMERGY Boot-Rom image Y 118206
default.cfg Config File Y 17336
PRIMERGY Operation Code Y 4153628
If the image for the next boot is not selected by entering the boot system command, the
system boots from the currently active image.
8. Enter the reload command. The following message is displayed: