Standard function blocks, Sb089 – Pilz PSS SB HYD, Basic license User Manual

Page 214

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Modular Block System: Hydraulic Presses

Standard Function Blocks

• Monitors position through acknowledgement of the valve's position (input


S1 / S2), without setting a maximum reaction time (input


TOn = 0 and TOff = 0).

When monitoring the position of a valve without monitoring the reaction
time, SB089 checks that the valve leaves its start position (valve de-
energised, acknowledgement present) at least once in each working
cycle (valve switching on and off). If this is not the case, SB089 will
register an error (output parameter

ENBL = 0 and ERR = 1) and the valve

will switch off immediately (output parameter

Y1 = 0 / Y2 = 0). A reset

will be necessary (see also under “Error messages”).

• Monitoring the position of directional control valves

With directional control valves, the position of the valve is monitored as it
is being operated. The valve must not register its start position while it is
being operated. If a directional control valve is correctly energised and
registers its start position while the valve output is switched on (output

Y1 = 1 / Y2 = 1), SB089 immediately switches off the valve

(output parameter

Y1 = 0 / Y2 = 0) and registers an error (output


ENBL = 0 and ERR = 1). A reset will be necessary (see also

under “Error messages”).

Directional control valves may only be operated where the position of the
valve is monitored by acknowledging the valve's position within a
maximum reaction time.
VTyp = 0
TOn = KF 001 ... KF 350
TOff = KF 001 ... KF 350

Ensure you follow the guidelines given under “Safety guidelines for
input parameters

TOn and TOff ”.

• If an error occurs, the valves will be switched off immediately; it will not

be possible to reset the valve (reset lock).

• After an error, a reset will only be possible if the error has been rectified,

both valves are in their start position (valve disabled, acknowledgement
from valve is present) and no start signal is present (input parameter


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