HP STORAGEWORKS E1200-160 User Manual
Page 192

Network Storage Router e1200-160
authorized reseller
storage website
technical support
I/O configuration
Visual Manager UI
indexed addressing
initiator IDs, SCSI
Visual Manager UI
internal termination, SCSI
Visual Manager UI
IP address
Visual Manager UI
IP gateway
Visual Manager UI
LAN-free backup and restore, illustrated
laser device
radiation warning
LED indicators
Fibre Channel
SCSI bus
Library and Tape Tools, Additional information
Library and Tape Tools, Getting support
Library and Tape Tools, Key features
Library and Tape Tools, Software features
link status, Fibre Channel
LUN management
mapping tasks, Fibre Channel
adding entries
Visual Manager
changing the name of the host
Visual Manager
clearing entries
Visual Manager
creating entries
Visual Manager
default current map
Visual Manager UI
deleting entries
Visual Manager
filling entries
Visual Manager
removing gaps in
Visual Manager
Visual Manager UI
mapping tasks, Fibre Channel and SCSI
adding (creating) a map
Visual Manager UI
adding a host to the host list
changing the name of