Solare Datensysteme Solar-Log User Manual
Page 27

Operating via a web browser within your own network
displays the Year Graph View as a bar graph. There are two tabs in the Year View, the same as in the
Month View:
Consumption Overview
and the
Sub-consumer Overview
The total consumption values are displayed in the Consumption Overview as a bar graph.
In the
Sub-consumer Overview
, you see the devices connected as a bar graph with the power con-
sumption displayed in different colors.
Below this, the values are also displayed in a pie chart with the
colors in the key.
There is the option from both views to select the individual months directly from the individual bars
and sections.
displays the Total Graph View as a bar graph. There are two tabs in the Total View, the same as in the
Year View:
Consumption Overview
and the
Sub-consumer Overview
The total consumption values are displayed in the Consumption Overview as a bar graph.
In the
Sub-consumer Overview
, you see the devices connected as a bar graph with the power con-
sumption displayed in different colors.
Below this, the values are also displayed in a pie chart with the
colors in the key.
There is the option from both views to select the individual years directly from the individual bars and