Resolution – Rugged Cams Rugged Vision DVR User Manual

Page 44

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Resolution setup allows you to set recording
resolution per camera. This DVR supports
three different resolutions – CIF, Half-D1
and D1. The actual sizes of these resolu-
tions in pixels are described in detail in the
specifications section which is found near
the start of this document.

The biggest resolution is D1. It is 2 times
bigger than Half-D1 and 4 times bigger than
CIF. D1 provides the most detail in the video
at the expense of bigger hard disk space

Procedure Using the Remote Controller or Control Panel:


In SETUP, select Recording->Resolution.


In Resolution Setup, use [UP],

[DOWN], [LEFT] or [RIGHT] to navigate
through the menu.



Use [ENTER], [SELECT], [+] or

[-] to change the values. In NTSC video
signal type, the possible values are
360x240, 720x240 and 720x480. In PAL,
the possible values are 360x288, 720x288
and 720x576. Note that all changes you
make are always saved.


When you are done, press

[SETUP] or [BACK].