Managing accounts – Casio BE-300 User Manual
Page 70

L Menu
Use this menu to create a new account, and to select an existing account to edit or delete it. See
“Managing Accounts” on page 70 for more information.
L Menu
Use this menu to create a new folder, and to select a folder to rename or delete it. See “Creating
Folders and Managing Mail Messages” on page 87 for more information.
Settings Button
Tapping this button displays a dialog box for editing the signature block for outgoing messages,
and for changing a variety of settings related to message creation, receipt, and display. See
“Configuring Mail Program Properties” on page 90 for more information.
Send & Receive Button
Tap this button to send and receive mail messages using the currently selected mail account. See
“To send and pick up mail” on page 72 for more information.
Managing Accounts
The procedures in this section describe how to edit a mail account that was created automatically
when you start up the Mail program, and how to create a new account from scratch.
To edit an existing mail account
1. On the account/folder list screen, tap the account you want to edit.
2. Tap Account
→ Edit Account.
• This displays the dialog box shown below.
3. If you want to rename the account, input the new name into the Account name box.
4. To change the connection setup associated with the account, tap the Use connection setting
box and then select the setup you want from the list that appears.
• Note that you cannot chance to another connection setup when you have only one
configured on your CASSIOPEIA.