Active method – KACO blueplanet 750 - 1000 kVA User Manual

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KACO blueplanet 1000/875/750 TL3 M1 IS OD DEX0

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Active Method

Figure 90: The graph of RPV* and APS** Method Integration

*RPV: Reactive power variation

**APS: Automatic phase-shift

BP SERIES Inverter can detect the anti-islanding situation by RPV and APS Method integration. RPV method is
to inject the reactive power to the grid. The amount of the QRPV and Ncycle can be adjusted by {RPV Q} and
{RPV Active Period} parameters. When islanding is occurred, the RPV keep injecting the QRPV reactive power.
Because of this, the load frequency will be changed and exceeds the NDZ of APS. At this time, the APS will be
activated and injects a reactive power corresponding to the frequency range. This will increase (or decrease) the
resonant frequency and the over-frequency (or under-frequency) trip will be reached.

Figure 91: The graph of RPV Method