Parameter p3: u-msys limit, Parameter p4: expert mode, Parameter p5: evaluation – HEIDENHAIN PWM 8 User Manual

Page 27: Parameter p6: counting mode

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Notes on encoder supply directly from the subsequent electronics:
(Parameter P2: FROM CUSTOMER)
1. Trouble-free functioning of subsequent electronics with 11µApp and 1Vpp encoder interfaces cannot be

guaranteed due to signal shifts of the subsequent electronics!

2. The encoder voltage of the subsequent electronics is fed directly to the encoder without being changed

by PWM 8; it cannot be altered.

3. There is no current limitation for the encoder voltage.

4. The power consumption of the subsequent electronics for the encoder supply is only slightly higher than

that of the encoder. About 10 mA are required for the voltage monitor of the subsequent electronics.

Parameter P3: U-MSYS LIMIT


Parameter P3 defines the maximum limits for the encoder voltage. By switching off the
U-MSYS limit the encoder voltage can be set in the range of 9V




The measured object may be destroyed by overvoltage!

Standard encoders are operated with a voltage of 5V



Special feature of HTL interface boards:
When using the HTL interface board, parameter P3 is not available!

In the EXPERT MODE the encoder voltage can only be set with the soft keys

if the

parameter P2 is set to FLOATING.

Parameter P4: EXPERT MODE


If parameter P4 is set to SAVE, the EXPERT MODE is reactivated after power interruption;
if it is set to NOT SAVE, the EXPERT MODE must be reactivated each time power is switched on.

Parameter P5: EVALUATION

[1-FOLD, 2-FOLD, 4-FOLD]

In parameter P5 the edge evaluation of the UNIVERSAL COUNTER (PWM 8 MODE UNIVERSAL
COUNTER) is set. It defines how many edges per signal period of incremental signal 1 and incremental
signal 2 are transferred to the UNIVERSAL COUNTER and used for measurement of the frequency.
In the PWM 8 MODE: DETERMINE PULSE NUMBER the evaluation is automatically set to 1-FOLD. The
EVALUATION is displayed next to the headline of the UNIVERSAL COUNTER:

Display of edge evaluation of the universal counter
(here: 1-FOLD)


[0-1-2, 0-2-4, 0-5-0]

Parameter P6 defines the COUNTING MODE of the last digit of the UNIVERSAL COUNTER.