HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 (340 49x-01) User Manual
Page 16

4.5 Interactive Programming Graphics ..... 113
To generate/not generate graphics during programming: ..... 113
Generating a graphic for an existing program ..... 113
Block number display ON/OFF ..... 114
Magnifying or reducing a detail ..... 114
4.6 Structuring Programs ..... 115
Definition and applications ..... 115
Displaying the program structure window / Changing the active window ..... 115
Inserting a structuring block in the (left) program window ..... 115
Selecting blocks in the program structure window ..... 115
Entering comments during programming ..... 116
Inserting comments after program entry ..... 116
Entering a comment in a separate block ..... 116
Functions for editing of the comment ..... 116
4.8 Creating Text Files ..... 117
Opening and exiting text files ..... 117
Deleting and inserting characters, words and lines ..... 119
Finding text sections ..... 120
4.9 Integrated Pocket Calculator ..... 121
4.10 Immediate Help for NC Error Messages ..... 122
Displaying error messages ..... 122