How to switch a crosspoint from se utilities, How to find the nv9000 controller version – Grass Valley iRouter v.6.01 User Manual
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iControl Router
User Guide
15. Wait until the NV9000 has finished rebooting.
You should see all accessible routers visible in Left pane.
16. Select KX router in left pane.
You should see cross point status in central pane. You can also test switching KX router
crosspoints by using Take area.
How to switch a crosspoint from SE Utilities
1. Go to System Management and under Routers, click on the router you want to control
2. If you can communicate with that router, in Connections panel, you will see the current
crosspoint for each output
3. To change a crosspoint, select appropriate input and output inside Take section and click
How to determine the physical level ID and matrix size you need to set up in Router
Manager to control a router configured in SE Utilities
1. Start SEUtilities (see
2. Go to Views | PhysLevels and check value under ID column for matching router.
3. Check Input End and Output End fields to determine matrix size.
How to determine the virtual level ID and matrix size you need to set up in Router
Manager to control a router configured in SE Utilities
1. Start SEUtilities (see
2. Go to Level Sets -> Virtual Levels and Check ID column.
How to find the NV9000 controller version
1. Log on to NV9000 using RemoteDesktop.
Default username:
Default password:
2. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to
3. Right-click the Explorer dialog column header and make the Product Version column
How to set up virtual router from SE Utilities (or to change protocol used by NV9000 to
control external router)
1. Start SEUtilities, and go to Views | Router control (see
2. Set router protocol to Virtual router (or to different protocol).
3. Export config on NV9000.
Note: Make sure Input Start and Output Start are set to
Note: This is useful, when not having actual router connected.