Menu contents, 1 wireless control unit menu structure, Chapter 5 – Grass Valley HD Wireless User Manual
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HD Wireless User’s Guide (v6.2)
Chapter 5 - Menu contents
Chapter 5
Menu contents
5.1 Wireless Control Unit menu structure
Access to the functions in the menus can be restricted according to the user level that has
been set. The menus are as follows:
Video menu
The video menu contains functions for configuring video outputs and freeze mode.
Monitoring menu
This menu contains the functions which determine how items in the menus are displayed on
the monitoring outputs.
Audio/Intercom menu
The functions contained under this menu control various aspects of audio and intercom.
SDTV menu
The functions contained under this menu are used for the SDTV outputs.
System menu
This menu contains the functions that are used to set up the general configuration and for
carrying out adjustments and calibrations of the WCU.
Files menu
This menu allows values to be stored in System and operator files, and allows these files to be
recalled as required.
Diagnostic menu
The diagnostic menu is designed to provide information on the current status of the WCU.