3 system composition – Grass Valley HD Wireless User Manual
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HD Wireless User’s Guide (v6.2)
Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.3 System composition
A typical wireless transmission system includes:
An LDK 5464 wireless camera adapter (WCA) must be combined with:
An LDK5466/xx HD camera RF module (right adapter cover) for Video Downlink
transmission and
An LDK 5465/20 HD RF data camera module wireless adapter for data Up link
An LDK 4460 antenna management unit (HD AMU). The HD AMU is delivered with an RF
Data Booster mounted in the antenna bracket.
An LDK 4453 RF Receiver antenna set with three matching video antennas.
An LDK 4454/60 Data emitter.
An antenna bracket to mount RF receiver, a data emitter with data booster and antennas.
A 15 m (50 ft) antenna cable set consisting of three coax cables with BNC connectors and
an RS 422 screened cable with a 9-pin D-sub connector.
An LDK 4470 wireless control unit (WCU).
A cable (ordering code 47233914AB) for use with Grass Valley’s Wireless Insight
For a complete Digital Wireless Camera system the following elements must be added:
An HD LDK camera head and viewfinder
A broadcast lens
Triax and network cables
For full remote control:
An Operational Control Panel (OCP 400) or
A Multiple Control Panel (MCP 400)
To expand the operating range of the camera an additional AMU with antenna set can be
added to the system.
The camera head, lens, viewfinder, control panels, Triax cables and network cables are not
included with an HD wireless system.