Chapter 2 hmi-wplsoft introduction, Chapter 2, Hmi-wplsoft introduction -1 – Delta Electronics Extension Digital I/O Module DOP-EXIO14RAE User Manual

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Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction|DOP-EXIO Series

Revision March, 2008, Doc. Name: 2007PDD23000014


Chapter 2 HMI-WPLSoft Introduction

Clicking the “Ladder Editor”

icon can open HMI-WPLSoft editing window immediately

(see Fig. 2.1). At the same time, the window of ScrEdit (Screen Editor) will zoom out and hide
automatically. Please note that HMI-WPLSoft and ScrEdit programming software cannot be
used simultaneously. When the user is editing a ladder diagram and in the meantime the user
wants to edit a HMI program, the user must close the window of HMI-WPLSoft and then it is
possible for the user to edit a HMI program in the environment of ScrEdit programming
software successfully. There is no Open and Save option provided in the ladder diagrm editing
window. When the ladder diagrm editing window is closed, the ladder diagrm editing program
is saved automatically.

Fig. 2.1 HMI-WPLSoft editing window

There are five parts in the following for the window of HMI-WPLSoft.


Menu bar

There are nine functions for selection: File(F), Edit(E), Compiler(P), Comments(M),
Search(S), View(V), Options(O), Window(W), and Help(H).

Each option has a pull-down


Menu Bar


Ladder Diagram

Editing Area


Editing Area

Status Bar