BayTech MRP units 2012 User Manual

Page 52

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Delete Group 

Rename Group

Modify Outlets in a Group

Delete All Outlet Groups

Outlet group is currently defineded as:
# Group Name




Enter name for outlet group (max 23 characters): Router GP-A

Enter group number to be deleted: 3
Group deleted

Enter number of group to be renamed: 3

Outlet group is currently defined as:
# Group Name Outlets



Enter name for outlet group (max 23 characters): Radius

Enter number of group to be modified: 4

Outlet group is currently defined as:
# Group Name Outlets
4 Server backup 2.1.13,2.1.14,2.1.15,2.1.16

List up to four outlets in the following form

Delete ALL outlet groups? (Y/N): y

The unit displays the following and
asks for a name for the new Group:

Select 3), deletes a specific outlet
group, select the number of the group
to be deleted. The unit will display
Group Deleted.

Select 4), renames an outlet group’s
name, select the number of the group
to be renamed. The unit displays the
selected group and prompts for a new

Select 5), modifies outlets in a group,
select the number of the group to be
modified. The unit displays the
selected group and prompts for new
group of outlets:

Select 6), deletes all groups

Note: There will be no confirmation the groups have been deleted. Select List Outlet Groups to
verify all outlet groups were deleted.

NOTE: Get the Group number from the List Outlet Groups

NOTE: Get the Group number from the List Outlet Groups

NOTE: Get the Group number from the List Outlet Groups