Special codes for secure batches, Control codes for data – Avery Dennison PCL User Manual
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48 •••• Reference Guide
Special Codes for Secure Batches
~QRS – Secure Batch Count
This command is used by the host and printer to transfer the Secure Batch Count to
secure storage. See Appendix F Secure Batch Operation for details. The format of the
~QRS command is:
where XXXXXXXX is the Batch ID and 99999 is the number of tickets printed.
Control Codes for Data
This command denotes the start of a batch and specifies the number of the format to be
used. If the format number is 00, the last format received by the printer is used., and
the printer will retain all of the data from the previous batch (if any). This means that
only the data that has changed from the previous batch needs to be sent for the current
batch (see the description for the data field ~D for details of how data is retained from
the previous batch). If no format was received since the printer was turned on, the batch
will be ignored.
If the format number is other than 00, then the printer will use the format stored in the
printer with the filename FORMAT99.PCL, where 99 is the format number included
with the ~ZD command. For example, if the batch starts with the command ~ZD37,
then the format FORMAT37.PCL will be used to print the data using the batch data. If
the format does not exist, the batch will be ignored.
630,650,960, 6X6, SNAP
This command specifies the start of a data string. The end of the data string is marked
by the ~ of the command following the data string. If this command is sent without any
data then the data for this field will be the same as the previous batch unless the ZD
command for the current batch specified a format number other than zero. If the ZD
command specified the format number of a format that resides on the printer then the
data for this field will be precanned data from the format description. If this command
is sent with one space as its data, then the field will be blank instead of using the data
from the previous batch. For example: For the regular transmission of data string
'HELLO', the command would be ~DHELLO. If in the next batch hello is also to be
printed the command would be ~D followed by the ~D for the next fields data. In order
to print a blank field send ~D
stands for the single character Space.)