Avery Dennison PCL User Manual

Page 29

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Reference Guide •••• 27

630 The 630 printer allows the field to be sequenced by a value of 1 to 255.

650 The 650 printer allows the field to be sequenced by a value of 1 to 254. A value of

255 allows the field to be decrement by 1.

6X6, SNAP These printers allow the field to be sequenced by a value of

- 2,147,483,647 to + 2,147,483,647.



This command specifies the number of tags containing each count that should be
printed when doing auto-incrementing. This is useful when printing an X-up format.
For example, if the format is being printed 4-up (4 copies across the web), sending the
~AD04 command would print the same data on all for labels, then increment for the
next set.



This command specifies how the data is to be justified in the field. The available codes
are L for Left justified, R for Right justified, C for Centered, A for Print as is (the
string is printed just as it was sent to the printer).



This command specifies the expansion multiple for the height of the field. This
command tells the printer to print the field with the font selected by the command AF
and expand the height of the characters '9' number of times. For example, if the font
size is specified as 12 point (~AF12) and the ~AV2 command is sent, the field will be
printed with a horizontal size of 12 points and a vertical size of 24 points.

Compatibility Note:

630, 960 These printers can expand in multiples of 1 to 9.

650 The 650 can only expand in multiples of 2, 4, and 8.

6X6 This is only effective when the emulation mode on the printer is set to 630 or 650.



This command specifies the expansion multiple for the width of the field. This
command tells the printer to print the field with the font selected by the command AF
and expand the width of the characters '9' number of times.

Compatibility Note:

630, 960 These printers can expand in multiples of 1 to 9.

650 The 650 can only expand in multiples of 2, 4, and 8.

6X6 This is only effective when the emulation mode on the printer is set to 630 or 650.



This command specifies the intercharacter spacing of the selected font. The value that
is included in this command is the number of dots that will be between characters.

Compatibility Notes:

630 The resolution for these printers is 0.004” (0.10mm).

960 The resolution for this printer is 0.007” (0.18mm) in the web direction and 0.014”

(0.36mm) in the pull direction.