Care symbol field definition, Batch data description – Avery Dennison PCL User Manual

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10 •••• Users Guide


Care Symbol Field Definition

The definition of a care symbol field is very similar to a logo field. The start command
~FS04 specifies the start of a care symbol field which contains four symbols. The
symbols can be placed at web position 2" and pull position 1" using the commands
~FW2000 and ~FP1000. The care symbols reside on the printer and the care symbol
type is usually a fixed type whose number should be included with the care symbol
information that's with the printer. For a care symbol type of nine the care symbol type
command is ~ST09.

The care symbol command string is:


The last field definition in a format is followed by the command ~XZ. This command
signals to the printer that the format description is complete. Once this information is
transferred to the printer multiple groups of information known as batches can be sent
to the printer to be printed.

The commands discussed in this section are the basic commands required to make a
format using PCL. These commands are the MINIMUM commands required to create
a format. There are more field types and commands that allow other features to be
utilized in the printers. These commands are described in the Reference manual.

Batch Data Description

The batch data is the information that will be printed on a tag. The format description
for a tag must have already been sent to a printer or must already reside in the printer
before batch data can be sent to the printer.

There are two choices for selecting the format to be used: the format may be sent to the
printer in the same way that the batch is (via the printer’s serial port, USB or Ethernet,
depending on the printer), or the format may be stored in the printer’s memory.

If the format is sent to the printer via a communications channel, it is considered to be
Format number 00. Formats stored on the printer may be formats 01 through 99 (see
below for details about the format name).

Formats sent to the printer must be sent before the corresponding batch. The
downloaded format will be deleted if the printer loses power, or if the all the batches
are cleared. (In the SNAP printers, this will occur if the Clear All Batches function is
used, or the Clear Batch function is used and there is only one batch in the printer.) If a
batch is received that calls out the downloaded format and no downloaded format
exists, the batch will be ignored.

The command ~ZD is the start of data command. If the format was sent to the printer
using PCL or if the format from the previous batch is the same as the one for this batch
the ZD command uses zero for the format number. If the batch data is to be used with a
specific format that already resides on the printer, then the format number follows the
ZD command. So if the batch data is to be printed using the same format as the
previous batch or if the format was sent to the printer using PCL the batch data start
command would be ~ZD00. If the batch data is to be printed using format two which
resides in the printer the batch data start command would be ~ZD02.

Formats stored in the printer must have a file name FORMAT99.PCL, where 99 is the
format number specified in the ~ZD command. For example, if the format stored in the
printer is named FORMAT02.PCL, the batch must begin with the ~ZD02 command.

The specific field information for the batch follows the batch data start command. For
all field types except graphic fields, the data field information is preceded by a ~D. If
the first field in the format was an alphanumeric field that specified the color of an item