Avery Dennison PCL User Manual
Page 25

Reference Guide •••• 23
represents an EPC for a RFID tag. This is the data will be written to a RFID
transponder on the tag. The data string for the field must be ASCII hex
This command works only on a printer equipped for writing to Class 1 Gen 2 RFID
transponders. There may be only one RFID field per format.
See Appendix G for a description of RFID operation.
The data field in the batch corresponding to this field will contain the data to be written
to the transponder. The field is divided into the following subfields. Subfields are
separated by the ASCII pipe (|) character.
EPC Data – this is the EPC code to be written to the EPC register in the
transponder. This is an ASCII hex data string.
User Memory – This is the data in ASCII hex format to be written to the
transponder’s user memory. User memory is transponder dependent; it is the
responsibility of the operator to ensure that the data in this subfield is
appropriate. If the data does not match the user memory space of the
transponder, undesired operation may result.
Reserved – This subfield must be empty.
Access Password – This is an 8 character ASCII hex value that will be written
to the transponder’s Access Password space.
Kill Password – This is an 8 character ASCII hex value that will be written to
the transponder’s Kill Password space.
Lock Code – This is a five digit value that specified the locking method to be
applied to the transponder.
NOTE: The printer does not check the data. It is the responsibility of the user to
determine that the data is correct for their application.
This command specifies the field origin for the web direction in thousandths of an inch.
This distance is measured from the edge of the web that is on the inside of the machine
as the stock runs through the machine. This same edge would be the top edge of a
finished tag. The field origin is the top left-hand corner of a field. This corner is also
the reference point for field rotation. For example: If a field is to be placed two inches
from the edge of a tag in the web direction the command would be ~FW2000.
Compatibility Notes:
630, 650 For the 630 and 650 printers the resolution or smallest increment is 0.0042”
960 The 960 resolution is 0.007” (0.18mm) in the web direction.
636, 656, 676, 686, 545, SNAP The actual resolution or smallest increment is 1/dpi of
the printer.
240 DPI = 0.0042 “ (0.11mm)
- 300/305 DPI = 0.0033” (0.084mm)
545 = 0.005” (0.13mm)
NOTE: For an RFID field (~FK), this value is not used.
NOTE: As of this writing, the printers only accept EPC
data. The other data fields are not implemented.