System expansion, Power feed – Artesyn Centellis 2000 Shelf - DC Installation and Use (June 2014) User Manual

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Centellis 2000 Shelf - DC Installation and Use (6806800G45F)

Safety Notes




If you reduce the blower speed via HPI the system temperature will rise.
Constantly control the system temperature once you have reduced the blower speed.
While operating the system ensure that the environmental and power requirements are met.

Injuries or Short Circuits
Blade or Power Supply
In case the ORing diodes of the blade fail, the blade may trigger a short circuit between input
line A and input line B so that line A remains powered even if it is disconnected from the power
supply circuit (and vice versa).
To avoid damage or injuries, always check that there is no more voltage on the line that has
been disconnected before continuing your work.

System Expansion



To avoid an overload of the system check the total power consumption of all components
installed (see the technical specification of the respective components). Ensure that any
individual output current of any source stays within its acceptable limits (see the technical
specification of the respective source).

Loss of Safety Compliance
Using of Additional Plug-in Blades
By using additional plug-in blades it may be possible that the system may become incompliant.
The system integrator has to ensure that the compliancy is guaranteed.

Power Feed



Touching the PEM power input terminals with metallic objects on your hands, wrists, or
hanging from your neck may lead to severe injuries through electric shock and burning.
Do not wear any metallic attire or commodity on your hands, wrists, or hanging from your
neck when working at the power input terminals or power input cables. Be extremely careful
when you use electrically conductive tools near the PEMs.