Artesyn Centellis 2000 Shelf - DC Installation and Use (June 2014) User Manual
Page 23
Safety Notes
Centellis 2000 Shelf - DC Installation and Use (6806800G45F)
If you install blades and RTMs in the wrong sequence the blades and RTMs may be damaged.
First install the RTM, then install the matching blade.
Blade or System Damage
Installing a blade in the wrong slot may cause blade or system damage.
Only install blades in the designated slots.
Damage of RTM and Front Blade
Removing the RTM from the system while the payload of the front blade is powered up may
damage the front blade and RTM.
Whenever removing the RTM from the system, you have to power down the payload of the
front blade first. This does not apply to hot-swap RTMs.
Incorrect RTM installation and removal can result in RTM malfunctioning.
When plugging the RTM in or removing it, do not press on the face plate but use the handles.
Installing the RTM with other blades than the ones designed for it may damage the RTM and
the front blade.
Only install the RTM with the correct front blade.
Removing the RTM with the system power on and the blue LED on the front blade still flashing
causes data loss.
Before removing the RTM from a powered system, power down the slot by opening the right
handle of the front blade and wait until the blue LED is permanently on.
Incorrect blade installation and removal can result in blade malfunctioning.
Make sure that the blade is connected to the system backplane via all assembled connectors
and that power is available on all zone 1 power pins.