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User Manual
MX Series CTSH Compliance Test System
3. Once the Calibrate button is clicked, the software will prompt you to fill in a table recording the
equipment and measurement instruments to be used for this calibration. When this is
completed, the program will provide you with the step by step instructions. Follow these
instructions until the Accept button is enabled. If you did not follow the instructions during the
calibration or the software is aborted for some other reason, you may have to redo the entire
calibration. Please note that the calibration data is not saved until the Accept button is
4. Please note that when calibrating a three-phase PACS, all three channels will be calibrated
together. The software will do all three-voltage channels, all high current range channels, all
mid-range channels, and then all low range channels.
5. When calibrating the voltage channels, you will be asked to provide a 230V/50Hz input.
However, when calibrating the current channels, it is not necessary to keep the voltage input at
the same level. In addition, the calibration on current channels is in the sequence of 60 Arms /
200 App, 24 Arms / 40 App, and 4 Arms / 10 App. The software does not do auto ranging in
the process. This means that even if you apply 2 Arms when you are doing 60Arms/200App
range channel(s), the software will still perform the corresponding calibration. The drawback of
doing so is that the calibration accuracy may be compromised.
6. When the Accept button becomes available and is clicked at the end of calibration, the
software will save the data in text file with the name of “C:\Ctsmxh calibration.dat”. In addition,
it will generate “calibrate.log” in the CTS directory and print out a hardcopy of this file
automatically. It will also save the calibration information in a database. Further, it will ask you
if you want to copy the calibration data to floppy and back up the files on the network. If you
answer yes, it will perform all the copying and backup for you automatically. The back up
directory is that stored in log_dir.txt file and a sub directory of PACS-3-75's information you
entered before you click on the calibrate button.
7. If you copied the calibration data to the floppy, remove disk from drive and write the PACS-3-75
serial number on the floppy disk.
California Instruments
Revision G