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User Manual
MX Series CTSH Compliance Test System
California Instruments
Revision G
User Observations
Figure 10-3: EN 61000-4-17 User Observation Data Entry Window
The MXGUI provides a data entry window for the operator. Observations made about the EUT can be
entered in this window before, during and after a test run. Any information entered by the operator in this
window will be incorporated in the test report when printed.
Report Format- 417 Test Files
The EN 61000-4-17 test module produces a test report when the Print Report button is clicked. Reports can
also be printed from the File, Print menu. Test reports include all selected test parameters and options. A
sample test report is shown below. The report format used can be direct output to a printer or generation of
an MS Word report. The desired report format can be selected from the Options menu, under IEC Report
Setup. MS Word reports are automatically saved in the C:\Program Files\California
Instruments\Mxgui\Reports directory.
Saving and Loading Test Setups
Frequently used test setups can be save to disk by using the File, Save or File Save As menu entries.
Setup files for EN 61000-4-17 tests have a ".417" file extension.
To select a previously saved test setup, use the File, Open menu entry and select the desired file from the
file open dialog.