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User Manual
MX Series CTSH Compliance Test System
California Instruments
Revision G
For PC's using European Windows Settings (comma as decimal separator), use the
following files:
Euro Generic IEC 1000-4-29 Voltage Variations.429
Euro Generic IEC 1000-4-29 Voltage Dips.429
Euro Generic IEC 1000-4-29 Voltage Dips Ints and Vars.429
Euro Generic IEC 1000-4-29 Voltage Dips and Interruptions.429
Euro Generic IEC 1000-4-29 Short Interruptions.429
The user may create as many test files as desired using the data entry grid. Changes made can be saved
using the File, Save As… menu entry.
Test Options
Nominal Voltage Mode
The EN 61000-4-29 test standard allows testing at a single nominal Vdc value if the voltage range of the
EUT is less than 20 % of the low range value. Thus, if an EUT has a nominal input range from 100 to 110
Vdc, the range is 10 V which is only 10 % of the low range value (10/100 = 10 %). In this case, either the
upper or lower limit value or a value in between may be used to test the EUT. If the range exceeds 20 %,
the test has to be performed at both upper and lower range settings. The MXGUI will allow the operator to
select single value testing but will prompt a warning if the values entered represent a greater than 20 %
Pre-Test Delay
For both Dips/Interruptions and Variations runs, it is possible to specify a pre-test delay. This is a period
expressed in seconds during which the Vdc nominal value will be applied to the EUT before the actual test
sequence starts.
Test Execution
The selected test mode can be started by pulling down the Run menu and selecting All or by clicking on the
Start button. During test execution, no changes to test parameters are allowed. The test progress can be
monitored at the bottom of the window in the status bar. The progress through each sequence can be
monitored as well as each test step currently executing is highlighted.
Test Results
There is no way for the MXGUI to determine the outcome of this test as a clear definition of a failure can not
be given. The draft standard called out the following possible test results:
“The test results shall be classified on the basis of the operating conditions and functional
specifications of the equipment under test, as in the following, unless different specifications
are given by product committees or product specifications.
a) Normal performance within the specification limits
b) Temporary degradation or loss of function or performance which is self-recoverable.
c) Temporary degradation or loss of function or performance which requires operator
intervention or system reset.
d) Degradation or loss of function which is not recoverable due to damage of equipment
(components) or software, or loss of data.