Optimize_power_during_fitting – Altera Quartus II Settings File User Manual
Page 656
Controls the power-driven compilation setting of the Fitter. This option determines how aggressively the
Fitter optimizes the design for power. If this option is set to 'Off', the Fitter does not perform any power
optimizations. If this option is set to 'Normal compilation', the Fitter performs power optimizations which
should not impact design performance or increase compile time. When this option is set to 'Extra effort',
the Fitter will perform additional power optimizations which may affect design performance and/or
increase compile time. For the best results with Extra Effort power optimization during fitting, you should
specify a Signal Activity File (SAF file) that lists the toggle rate of each signal in the design. To generate the
most accurate Signal Activity File (SAF file) use a gate-level simulation, with glitch filtering, of the
compiled design. Specify this SAF file as an input to the Power Analyzer in the PowerPlay Power Analysis
Settings, and recompile the design with Extra Effort PowerPlay Power Optimization during fitting. The
signal activities (toggle rates) in the SAF file help guide the fitter to reduce power.
• Extra effort
• Normal compilation
• Off
Device Support
This setting can be used in projects targeting any Altera device family.
This assignment is included in the Fitter report.
set_global_assignment -name OPTIMIZE_POWER_DURING_FITTING
set_global_assignment -name OPTIMIZE_POWER_DURING_FITTING -entity
set_instance_assignment -name OPTIMIZE_POWER_DURING_FITTING -to
Default Value
Normal compilation
Altera Corporation
Quartus Settings File Reference Manual