Power_up_level – Altera Quartus II Settings File User Manual

Page 145

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Causes a register to power up with the specified logic level, either High (1) or Low (0). If this option is

specified for an input pin, it is automatically transferred to the register that is driven by the pin if the

following conditions are present: (1) there is no intervening logic, other than inversion, between the pin

and the register; (2) the input pin drives the data input of the register; and (3) the input pin does not fan-

out to any other logic. If this option is specified for an output or bidirectional pin, it is automatically

transferred to the register that feeds the pin if: (1) there is no intervening logic, other than inversion,

between the register and the pin; and (2) the register does not fan-out to any other logic. You can assign

this option to any register, or to a pin with any logic configuration other than those described above. You

can also assign this option to a design entity containing registers if you want to set the power level for all

registers in the design entity. In order for the register to power up with the specified logic level, the

Compiler may perform NOT Gate Push-Back on the register.




• High

• Low

Device Support

This setting can be used in projects targeting any Altera device family.


This assignment supports synthesis wildcards.


set_global_assignment -name POWER_UP_LEVEL -entity
set_instance_assignment -name POWER_UP_LEVEL -to -entity


set_instance_assignment -name power_up_level low -to foo

See Also

Power-Up Don't Care





Quartus Settings File Reference Manual

Altera Corporation

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