L = f t – Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual
Page 86

G ilgen, H . et al: T echnical Plan for BSR N D ata M anagem ent, W orld R adiation M onitoring C entre (W R MC )
T echnical R eport 1, Version 2.1. W orld C lim ate R esearch Programm e W M O /TD -N o. 443. 1995
74 Downwelling infrared radiation
The downwelling infrared signal should be com pared against the effective infrared irradiance derived
from the air tem perature at the sam e location:
L = F T
effective radiation signal in W m
Stefan-Boltzm ann constant
air tem perature (K)
W ith the exceptions of isotherm al fog and strong inversions over cold surfaces, the effective irradiance
should be greater than that m easured by the pyrgeom eter. In fog, the two values should be nearly
Including a surface em issivity term of 0.75, provides a reasonable lower bound against which the instrum ent
radiation should be consistently greater.
In both cases these values should be used conservatively for flagging suspect data and determ ining
whether problem s exist with the instrum ent com ponents. Data should only be flagged if, upon exam ination,
an instrum ent defect is discovered.
Data Submission to the BSRN Archive
Data, once quality assured by the site scientist, are to be subm itted to the BSRN archive at the Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland. Full docum entation on the BSRN database
is found in: Technical Plan for BSRN Data Management, W orld Radiation Monitoring Centre (W RMC)
Technical Report 1. Version 2.1 . A brief sum m ary of this and other inform ation concerning access
to the database can be found on the internet at bsrn.ethz.ch/wrm c/database_internal.htm l. Annex Q
provides inform ation on the linkages between the data acquisition at the BSRN station and the W RMC,
Data subm ission requires that the form at set out in the above m anual be adhered to strictly. To support
this effort, W RMC has developed a program , F_CHECK.C that perform s checks on line length, illegal
characters and line form at. This program can be obtained directly from the archive and should be requested
when the necessary ac cess perm ission s are estab lishe d (da ta m an ag er em ail:
bsrnadm @ geo.um nw.ethz.ch).
The procedure for subm itting data to the archive begins with obtaining an account on a secure FTP
server for which only the station scientist (or nam ed designates) has access. T his is accom plished
by inform ing the database adm inistrator of the intent to subm it data and providing the FTP addresses
of one or two m achines from which the data will be subm itted. In response the archive will set up a
secure directory on their server and provide the requestor account inform ation and a password. These
will only function from the m achines with the subm itted FTP addresses. Following logon, the system
will place the user directly into the directory in which to subm it the data files for the station.
Upon receipt of the data files (m onthly blocks in sequential order are preferred) at the archive, the
data are autom atically m oved from the input directory into a second directory from where they are
autom atically checked for form atting problem s etc. If errors in the data are found, an error log is produced
and returned to an error directory associated with the station nam e. This error log can then be downloaded
and the incorrectly form atted data files deleted from the BSRN server. Once corrected the data are
resubm itted. It is suggested that the first block of data subm itted to the archive be only one m onth
because of the usual problem s associated with correctly form atting the data files.