Acknowledgements – Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual

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Acknow ledgements

The efforts required in creating any docum ent far exceed the capabilities of any one person. This m anual has
been no exception. I would particularly like to thank the W orld Meteorological Organization for financial
support during the initial drafting of this report and the Atm ospheric Environm ent Service for providing m e with
the necessary tim e away from m y regular duties to research the m anual. I would also like to recognize the
support of the International Council for Science and the International Oceanographic Com m ission of the
UNESCO, the other sponsors of the W orld Clim ate Research Program m e of which the Baseline Surface
Radiation Network is part. The first draft was ably reviewed at the Boulder 1996 m eeting of the BSRN. W hile
all the participants at the m eeting provided input I would especially like to thank the following individuals who
acted as group leaders during that process: Klaus Dehne, Bruce Forgan, Roger Newson, Rolf Philipona and
Tom Stoffel. Finally, I would like to thank Ellsworth Dutton as m anager of the BSRN for his continuous
encouragem ent throughout the production of this work.

A num ber of individuals have graciously allowed m anuscripts to be placed in the annexes for easy access.
I would encourage readers, if they use these papers, to reference them directly to the original report or