Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual

Page 170

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Annex H

Common Terms and Formulas used in Uncertainty Determinations

The term s and definitions reproduced below are based on those in Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty
in Measurement
(1995), International Organization for Standards.

The ISO, through Recom m endation INC-1 (1980) details the expression of uncertainty:


The uncertainty in the result of a measurement generally consists of several components which
may be grouped into two categories according to the way in which their numerical value is estimated:

A. those which are evaluated by statistical methods,
B. those which are evaluated by other means.

There is not always a simple correspondence between the classification into categories A or B
an d the previously used classification into “random” and “systematic” uncertainties. The term
“systematic uncertainty” can be misleading and should be avoided.

Any detailed report of the uncertainty should consist of a complete list of the comonents, specifying
for each the method used to obtain its numerical value.


The components in category A are characterized by the estimated variances

(or the estimated

“standard deviations”

) and the number of degrees of freedom

. W here appropriate, the

covariances should be given.


The components in category B should be characterised by quantities

, which may be considered

as approximations to the corresponding variances, the existence of which is assumed. The quantities

may be treated like variances and the quantities

like standard deviations. W here appropriate,

the covariances should be treated in a similar way.


The combined uncertainty should be characterized by the numerical value obtained by applying
the usual method for the combination of variances. The combined uncertainty and its components
should be expressed in the form of “standard deviations.”


If, for particulat applications, it is necessary to multiply the combined uncertainty by a factor to
obtaina an overall uncertainty, the multiplying factor used must always be stated.

H 1.

Common Terms


The uncertainty of the result of a m easurem ent reflects the lack of exact knowledge of the value of
the m easurand. The result of a m easurem ent after correction for recognized system atic effects is still
only an estimate of the value of the m easurand because of the uncertainty arising from random effects
and from im perfect correction of the result for system atic effects.


The result of a m easurem ent (after corrections) can unknowably be very close to the value of the
m easurand (and hence have a negligible error) even though it m ay have a large uncertainty. Thus
the uncertainty of the result of a m easurem ent should not be confused with the rem aining unknown


Possible sources of uncertainty in a m easurem ent m ay include:

incom plete definition of the m easurand


im perfect realization of the definition of the m easurand


nonrepresentative sam pling - the sam ple m easured m ay not represent the defined m easurand


inadequate knowledge of the effects of environm ental conditions on the m easurem ent or
im perfect m easurem ent of environm ental conditions


finite instrum ent resolution or discrim ination threshold


inexact values of m easurem ent standards and reference m aterials


inexact values of constants and other param eters obtained from exteranl sources and used
in the data-reduction algorithm