Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual

Page 146

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Since the irradiance on the surface by a pyrheliom eter adjusted for the horizontal surface F is

the following relation m ust be kept,

where the subscript d stands for the variable for the diffusom eter.

This last equation shows two im portant aspects concerning the geom etry of the diffusom eter.






In principle it is im portant to keep R/L=R /L and r/R=r /R ,


Since it is not practical to change geom etrical dim ensions of the involved parts, it is a practically
better solution to adjust geom etry for representative solar zenith angle. The earth's equivalent



solar zenith angle of 53º, can be regarded as a working angle. Therefore, R /L which is slightly



larger than R/L, or r /R which is slightly larger than r/R suits the best for the present requirem ent.
Since the latter possibility is difficult to fulfil du to a relatively large difference in radii between



the sensor and the outer glass dom e, the best solution can be obtained by adjusting R /L ,


by m aking L sm aller than the designated length which is calculated based a perfect sym m etry
requirem ent.

C 4.6


Most diffusom eters adopted by the BSRN stations are capable of keeping the errors induced by the
shadow effect within 2 to 3 W m . The best recom m ended diffusom eter is to use Eppley B/W pyranom eter


8-48, with the shading disc radius of 28.0 m m and the arm 's length of 641 m m .

C 4.7


Major, G., 1994: Circum solar correction for pyrheliom eters and diffusom eters. W MO/TD-No.635, 42


Major, G., Nagy, Z., and Putsay, M., 2000: The effect of diffusom eter shading geom etry. Report for

the BSRN Meeting, May 1-5, 2000, Melbourne, 8 pp.