Kipp&Zonen BSRN Scientific Solar Monitoring System User Manual
Page 64
Annual m aintenance
Ideally, the annual m aintenance should take less than one day to com plete if a team of workers is
present. Although unlikely, it would be best done while the sun is below the horizon.
Calibration of the cavity radiom eter (see Section 8.2.1).
All field support assem blies should be checked for level and structural integrity.
All bolts should be loosened, lubricated and tightened. This preventative m aintenance is
especially im portant in areas of harsh clim ate where corrosion m ay occur.
Fans used in ventilated housings should be lubricated or replaced (depending on the type
of system in use).
Calibration of the digital voltm eter (or equivalent) used in the data acquisition system . Because
of the com plex nature of system testing and calibration (it is not just placing a known source
on the input term inals) this procedure should only be done by qualified personnel, either
associated with the m etrology laboratory of the institution operating the BSRN station or the
m anufacturer. The calibration should be traceable to a national standards institute. It is
recom m ended that one or m ore spare units be obtained so that during a calibration a newly-
calibrated spare unit can replace the unit being calibrated.